Due to concerns revolving around COVID-19, you may notice getting into an orthodontist office for routine appointments is a challenge. However, Dr. Hirsch has some steps you can take to ensure you are properly caring for your orthodontic treatment during the COVID-19 quarantine.

Maintain Oral Hygiene Routines

One of the most vital tips we have for you is to continue following routines that ensure good oral health. We understand the quarantine has many of our patients struggling with habits and finding a new normal under these circumstances. However, oral health is vital for a successful outcome of orthodontics.

Therefore, Dr. Hirsch recommends you brush your teeth at least twice a day. However, an even better practice is to brush after every meal and snack. Furthermore, if you consume sugary or acidic beverages, plan to either brush your teeth or rinse your mouth out with water. When food particles and sugar react with the naturally occurring bacteria in the mouth, plaque and tartar develop. Finally, do not skip on flossing as part of your care routine for your orthodontic treatment during the COVID-19 quarantine. Flossing gets in the spaces between teeth where a brush cannot reach.

We Are Still Here for Our Patients

If you find you need elastics or wax, please contact us so we may make arrangements to ensure you have what you need for your orthodontic treatment. Also, continue wearing your elastics as directed at your last orthodontist appointment and avoid the foods that could damage your brackets.

If you are wearing Invisalign aligners, continue to do so. Make sure you wear the aligners for the recommended time each day and take them out when you eat or drink anything besides water. If you are at the end of your Invisalign treatment and are nearly out of aligners, contact us for further instructions.

Finally, if you find yourself in an emergency, please contact us right away.

We Are Still Available for Our Patients

Dr. Hirsch and his professional team at Forest Hill Village Orthodontics are committed to caring for your orthodontic treatment during the COVID-19 quarantine. Our goal is to ensure our office and Dr. Hirsch are available for our patients. You may reach us at our Forest Hill, ON, office by calling (416) 789-1231 or by our online appointment request form.