Have you ever wondered what it truly takes to find a great orthodontist?

For starters, a lot of dedication to the art, as well as countless hours of studying, practicing and perfecting the craft to produce great results. Your choice of orthodontist may well be the most important step in your treatment plan. If you live in Toronto, try going online and typing “orthodontist near me”, Forest Hill residents will find one name to top them all .. and that is Forest Hill Village Orthodontics.

How is an orthodontist different than a dentist?

An orthodontist is a dentist at heart. However, most orthodontist left the traditional dental work (such as fillings, root canals and extractions) far behind, focusing solely on the fine art and science of orthodontics .. and quite rightfully so. Orthodontics is possibly the finest branch of dentistry. It takes years and years of commitment, and a vast amount of studying and experience to excel in this fine art.

What makes a great orthodontist?

When choosing an orthodontist, you might want to keep the following in mind:

  1. Where they graduated:

    granted that all orthodontists have worked extremely hard for their specialist certification, but one of the most important factors that sets the greats apart from the crowd is their graduating faculty. Dr. Hirsch got his certification in orthodontics from the University of Detroit Mercy, one of the top orthodontics programs in the country. Not only that, but afterwards, he was actually an instructor in the department of orthodontics in the University of Toronto. You can’t ask for better credentials than that.

  2. How much experience they have:

    You can’t grow experience, you have to earn it. An orthodontist who has been practicing for 20 years certainly knows more than one who has been practicing for 10. Dr. Hirsch has been practicing since 1995 .. that’s 25 years of experience. You can count that he has treated a case similar to yours during his career.

  3. Before and After pictures:

    For cosmetic procedures (such as braces) there is no better judge than pictures. A picture of a patient before he got the treatment, next to one after the treatment was finished shows how much work was really done on that case. Not only that, but by browsing case photographs you can find a case similar to yours. All you have to do is check the outcome, and if you like it, expect your outcome to be pretty much the same.

  4. Reviews:

    Pictures can be edited, but reviews can’t. A good review could be the tipping scale for your choice of a great orthodontist. If a family member or a friend dealt with a particular orthodontist, and found him friendly and skilled, and ended up with a great outcome, what’s to say you won’t have the same when dealing with that orthodontist?

So where can I find a great orthodontist near me, Forest Hill residents ask?

Forest Hill Village orthodontics, led by Dr. Hirsch and a wonderful team, is just around the corner at 740 Eglinton Ave W, #202, Toronto, ON M5N 1C4. Give us a call on 416-789-1231 to schedule your consultation.