Invisalign treatment has been in use since 1999 and enjoys continuing popularity. Treatment times vary depending on several factors but can be as short as 3 to 6 months with Invisalign Express. The average treatment period lasts from 12 to 18 months and can extend to 36 months and beyond for complex cases.

Factors That Affect Invisalign Treatment Duration

The largest single determining factor in the length of time it takes for Invisalign treatment is the initial malocclusion. Minor alignment issues can be handled in a relatively short period while more complex adjustments naturally take longer to correct. Other factors that affect treatment duration:

  • Size of gaps between teeth
  • Degree of teeth crowding
  • Patient age
  • Oral hygiene
  • Level of compliance

Larger gaps between teeth will extend the time requirement, as will excessive crowding. Although patients of any age can use Invisalign, teens tend to respond quicker. Our bodies are still growing during the teen years. This aids treatment for teens, allowing the almost invisible tray aligners to work faster.

Invisalign is a patient-centered treatment method. That means that the patient is in charge of how long the trays remain in place each day. Not following the prescribed use instructions can prolong treatment. Trays need to remain in place for 20 to 22 hours each day to be effective.

Comparing Invisalign Treatment to Traditional Braces

Although the end result is a perfect smile, braces and Invisalign work in different ways to achieve that goal. Understanding these differences will assist you in determining if Invisalign treatment is right for you. Although Invisalign can be slightly quicker to yield results, treatment times are comparable.

How Braces Work

As the tried-and-true method of teeth-straightening, traditional metal and clear braces are still a great option. There have been many upgrades in the design and “look” of braces which makes them less noticeable than they were in the past.

Braces work using tension to create the force that moves teeth. Brackets are affixed to individual teeth and an archwire is threaded through each bracket. The orthodontist tightens the wire to create tension and direct the force to move teeth in the correct direction.

Current brackets in use are much smaller than older brackets. This increases comfort and decreases their “in your face” appearance. Clear ceramic brackets are also available. These allow the natural coloration of your teeth to show through, making them much less visible. The addition of colored wires and multi-colored elastics can dress up modern braces to create some fun.

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign utilizes clear alignment trays that fit over the teeth. No brackets, no wires, and almost invisible trays. Each tray is custom fit, in sequenced sets. Patients wear the trays for 20 to 22 hours each day and switch to a new set in the sequence approximately every two weeks.

While braces use tension to create the force to move teeth, Invisalign uses a gentle but constant pressure to shift teeth into alignment. With SmartForce attachments, the orthodontist can add pressure to shift teeth more forcefully if necessary.

Originally, Invisalign was only able to work effectively on minor alignment problems. Align Technology has continued improving this treatment method and it is now capable of correcting almost all issues from minor to complex.

Cost Comparison

In a head-to-head cost comparison, Invisalign pricing begins at a slightly higher average than traditional metal braces. National averages for the various treatment type are quite comparable, though:

  • Traditional metal braces — $3,000 to $7,000
  • Ceramic/clear braces — $4,000 to $8,000
  • Invisalign treatment — $4,000 to $7,400

Your pricing will vary depending on the severity of your case.

Invisalign Treatment Uses Unique Technology

Align Technology continues working to improve its system of almost invisible tray aligners. Using technology, the impact on the patient is less stressful. Digital imaging and X-rays have replaced goopy tray impressions. State-of-the-art digital printing creates each unique alignment tray.

Intraoral Digital Scanning

Intraoral scanning takes digital images of the inside of the mouth. The images are converted into a 3-dimensional interactive “map” of the mouth. This allows the doctor to see the future.

Sophisticated computer programing assists the doctor in preparing a treatment plan that is unique to each patient. The movement of teeth can be predicted and even visualized from beginning to end.

SmartTrack Material

SmartTrack material was developed after 8 years of intensive research. Over 260 different polymers were examined during the process. This durable polymer is strong but slightly flexible and capable of applying the gentle pressure necessary to move teeth into new positions.

SmartForce Attachments

SmartForce attachments add the ability to accomplish complex alignment corrections. The doctor can affix these tiny attachments to teeth in order to apply additional force for more difficult tooth movements. While not necessary in every case, for some patients, the use of these small “handles” means being able to use Invisalign rather than traditional braces.

Are You a Candidate for Invisalign Treatment?

In most instances, yes, you may be a candidate for Invisalign treatment. With the continuing expansion of the capabilities of Invisalign, more and more patients are able to enjoy the low-profile treatment.

Contact Forest Hill Village for a Marvel-ous Experience

The entire staff at Forest Hill Village Orthodontics are always eager to meet new patients and to continue interactions with current patients. Dr. David Hirsch enjoys working in the Marvel-themed office surrounded by memorabilia from the iconic movies.

Offering a warm and inviting environment was the design goal, and that has been a success. If you want to feel like a superhero, make an appointment and begin your journey to greatness today.

Getting started is simple — just complete the information in the Appointment Request form. If you would rather speak directly to an appointment coordinator, feel free to call our office at (416) 789-1231.

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