Invisalign treatment has been in use since 1999 and enjoys continuing popularity. Treatment times vary depending on several factors but can be as short as 3 to 6 months with Invisalign Express. The average treatment period lasts from 12 to 18 months and can extend to 36 months and beyond for complex cases. Factors That Affect Invisalign Treatment Duration The
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Braces are a big trend these days. Everybody wants straighter teeth and a more beautiful smile, and you can get that with braces. Whether you suffer from crowded teeth, crooked teeth, spacing between your teeth, or any other problem with how your teeth are arranged, braces are the solution for you. Unlike 15 years ago, there are a few options to choose
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Getting braces? Excited? Confused? Scared? All are OK. The journey of braces is a long and grueling one, but one that would give you immense satisfaction in the end. However, before starting that journey, you need to know a few things. How do braces work? How long they will take? What type of braces should I get? How much does it cost? Among other questions
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If you are looking for the perfect smile, then braces may well be the answer to your problems. Everybody seems to want braces these days. Braces is the art and science of teeth arrangement, capable of fixing problems such as crowding, spacing, among others. But let’s face it .. Braces are not cheap. It would take a considerable chunk of your monthly
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