If you are looking for the perfect smile, then braces may well be the answer to your problems. Everybody seems to want braces these days. Braces is the art and science of teeth arrangement, capable of fixing problems such as crowding, spacing, among others.

But let’s face it .. Braces are not cheap. It would take a considerable chunk of your monthly paycheck to be able to afford that beautiful smile, but it sure is worth it.

How much am I expected to pay for braces?

A great number of variables go into answering that question. It depends on where you live, the difficulty of your case, the time needed to complete the treatment, as well as the type of braces you choose. On average, braces could cost anywhere between $3000 and $10000 overall.

What is the cost of braces in Ontario?

In Ontario, you would be looking at similar figures. According to the type of braces you choose, here are the average numbers you would find:

  • Traditional braces:

    About $3000 for simple cases, but could reach up to $7000 is your case is more complex.

  • Clear braces:

    Slightly more expensive than traditional braces, but far better looking. Costs range between $4000 and $8000.

  • Lingual Braces:

    The most expensive option. Costs range from $8000 to $10000.

  • Invisalign:

    Probably the best option for adults. You would think it is the most expensive option, but you would be mistaken. Costs of Invisalign range from $4000 to $7500. A bargain considering all its advantages.


These numbers seem pretty high, is it worth it?

Braces are not cheap .. No argument here. However, think of everything your money would buy. Think of braces as a long term Investment in yourself. Studies have shown that people with beautiful smiles get better jobs, have greater marriages, and are overall happier in their life. So how much is THAT worth to you?

Are there payment plans available?

Most practices adopt very comfortable payment plans for braces. All orthodontists’ aim is to give you the perfect smile you deserve, and they take these hefty costs into consideration. Some practices would even accept a down payment as small as 10 or 15%, and divide the rest upon the period of treatment. Considering the pretty long period of treatment, you could end up paying less than 500$ a month. A pretty small amount for your happiness if you ask me.

Does Insurance cover braces?

That depends on what type of plan you have, and with which provider. Most providers give good coverage of other dental procedures such as fillings and root canals, but not a lot would cover braces, thinking they are a sort of luxury.

So the question of the cost of braces in Ontario is not as simple as some figures or amounts of money. You would have to take into consideration how much that perfect smile would give you. “A beautiful smile can open doors” they say. And what way is better to give you that perfect smile than braces?