Braces are in great demand, and the reason for that is obvious .. They work great. Braces can handle problems such as crowding, spacing, overbites and every other problem related to your teeth’s arrangement. While most people would disagree as to how braces feel, or how long they take to complete, everybody has one common thought regarding braces … that they are downright ugly.

Anyone who wears braces – or has worn them- has suffered the appearance of “metal mouth for years. In fact, the appearance of braces is probably the main reason why people tend to abandon the treatment altogether. Manufacturing companies became aware of that fact. They started to improvise new, better looking options. One of those options –and the most popular- is Invisalign. Here, we attempt to show you who is the best provider of Invisalign Forest Hill has seen.

What is so great about Invisalign?

Everything from its idea to its speed and accuracy. Invisalign was invented mainly to tackle the problem of the looks of metallic braces, but ended up solving so much more. No more metallic brackets, wires and elastic bands. These are replaced by plastic, transparent molds called aligners. These aligners look great – practically invisible even- and are incredibly comfortable compared to the constant cuts and injuries caused by brackets. Not only that, but you can remove them when you want. This makes cleaning your teeth and overall oral hygiene much easier and far more effective. In addition, the aligners are computer made. That makes them incredibly accurate, with virtually no chances of man-mad errors, as well as significantly faster compared to traditional braces.

How does Invisalign work?

It is kind of strange how a plastic mold can move teeth, we know. However, the idea behind Invisalign is much simpler than you think. Our teeth are attached to the jaw bones through an intricate system of fibers and ligaments known as the periodontal ligament (PDL for short). The PDL is a very resilient structure, acting as a cushion against forces and pressure. The aligners use that fact, applying heavy, constant pressure on the teeth. As a result of that pressure, the PDL starts to yield, and pulls the tooth where the pressure leads it. Of course this happens very carefully and with pinpoint accuracy thanks to the computers.

Does Invisalign have any disadvantages?

Every invention has its merits and drawbacks. The drawbacks of Invisalign are few, including:

  • They can’t treat rotated teeth.
  • They are ineffective in treating problems of jaw size mismatch
  • The aligners – while comfortable – are quite fragile. In some cases, they can break while you’re removing them or replacing them on your teeth.

Where can I find the greatest provider of Invisalign Forest Hill trusts the most?

Forest Hill constituents always trust Forest Hill Village orthodontics. Dr. Hirsch and his wonderful team, is just around the corner at 740 Eglinton Ave W, #202, Toronto, ON M5N 1C4. We are ready to take all your questions and ease all your worries. Give us a call on 416-789-1231 to schedule your consultation.